On Mars

Area Majority / Influence, Contracts, Delayed Purchase, Drafting, End Game Bonuses, Hand Management, Hexagon Grid, Income, Movement Points, Moving Multiple Units, Set Collection, Solo / Solitaire Game, Tech Trees / Tech Tracks, Tile Placement, Variable Phase Order, Worker Placement

City Building, Economic, Exploration, Science Fiction, Space Exploration, Territory Building

1 - 4 Players90 - 150 minutesExtreme


Get ready to colonize the Red Planet in On Mars! This challenging strategy game for 1-4 players throws you into a race to establish the most successful Martian colony. With tons of interlocking mechanics like tech trees, worker placement, and hand management, mastering On Mars will take some time – even seasoned board gamers will need to brush up on their rulebooks. Expect playtime between 90 minutes and 2.5 hours as you vie for area control, complete contracts, manage your resources, and ultimately leave your mark on the Martian landscape. On Mars offers solo play too, so you can always explore the cosmos at your own pace!

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