The Great Zimbabwe

Auction/Bidding, Card Drafting, Mancala, Modular Board, Network and Route Building, Tile Placement, Variable Player Powers, Variable Set-up

Civilization, Economic, Industry / Manufacturing, Prehistoric, Transportation

2 - 5 Players90 - 150 minutesHigh

Source - BoardGameGeek


Get ready to build an empire in The Great Zimbabwe! This complex and engaging board game for 2-5 players challenges you to construct a thriving civilization during the medieval era. Through auctions, card drafting, and even a bit of mancala, you'll acquire resources, develop your territory, and establish trade routes across a modular board. With variable player powers and set-ups, every game is a unique experience. Expect a playtime of 90-150 minutes as you delve into the intricate rules and strategize your way to victory. Are you ready to leave your mark on history?

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