The Castles of Burgundy

Dice Rolling, Grid Coverage, Hexagon Grid, Set Collection, Tile Placement, Turn Order: Stat-Based, Worker Placement with Dice Workers

Dice, Medieval, Territory Building

2 - 4 Players30 - 90 minutesMedium

Source - BoardGameGeek


Roll your way to building the most impressive medieval estate in The Castles of Burgundy! This engaging board game for 2-4 players lets you strategically use dice workers to collect tiles and expand your domain across a hexagonal grid. Build castles, monasteries, and bustling cities while keeping an eye on your opponents' progress. With straightforward rules and a playtime of 30-90 minutes, The Castles of Burgundy is perfect for experienced board gamers looking for a satisfying strategic challenge. Get ready to roll, build, and claim victory!

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