Board game, Wingspan: Oceania Expansion


Oceania Expansion

1 - 5 Players40 - 70 minutesMedium

Card Drafting, Dice Rolling, Hand Management, Set Collection

Animals, Economic, Educational, Expansion for Base-game

Source - BoardGameGeek

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Ready to explore a whole new world of feathered friends? Wingspan: Oceania Expansion adds over 60 stunning new bird cards inspired by the unique wildlife of Oceania. Draft cards, roll dice, manage your hand, and collect sets of birds to create thriving ecosystems in your aviary. This expansion for the popular Wingspan board game is perfect for 1-5 players and takes about 40-70 minutes to play. If you're already familiar with Wingspan, you'll be right at home! Discover fascinating new bird species and expand your Wingspan experience.

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