
Area Majority / Influence, Dice Rolling, End Game Bonuses, Hidden Victory Points, Lose a Turn, Ownership, Set Collection, Solo / Solitaire Game, Turn Order: Progressive, Worker Placement, Worker Placement with Dice Workers, Worker Placement, Different Worker Types

Dice, Economic, Medieval

1 - 4 Players90 minutesMedium


Troyes is an engaging medieval-themed board game for 1 to 4 players (best with 2-4) where you'll vie for influence and riches in the city of Troyes. Using dice workers, you'll compete for area majority, collect sets, and unlock end-game bonuses. Be strategic! Losing a turn can be costly, and hidden victory points add an element of surprise. This game blends worker placement, dice rolling, and set collection for a rewarding experience that typically takes 90 minutes to play. If you're familiar with board games, you'll pick up Troyes quickly. Enjoy the economic challenge and medieval setting!

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