
Card Drafting, Catch the Leader, Hand Management, Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Worker Placement, Legacy Game

City Building, Economic, Medieval

1 - 6 Players45 - 75 minutesMedium


Charterstone is a legacy board game where you and your friends build a thriving medieval city together! Perfect for 2 to 6 players, this game takes about an hour to play and has straightforward rules that veteran board gamers will pick up quickly. You'll use card drafting, worker placement, and clever hand management to develop your settlement, earn victory points, and leave your mark on the world. With catch-the-leader mechanics, every game is a race to the top. And the best part? Charterstone is a campaign game with lasting consequences – your decisions in one game will affect future playthroughs! It can even be played solo if you're feeling ambitious.

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