Dominant Species

Action Queue, Area Majority / Influence, Card Drafting, Grid Movement, Hexagon Grid, Map Addition, Take That, Tile Placement, Turn Order: Claim Action, Variable Player Powers, Worker Placement, End Game Bonuses

Animals, Environmental, Prehistoric

2 - 6 Players120 - 240 minutesHigh

Source - BoardGameGeek


Dominant Species is a complex and engaging board game where 2-6 players (best with 3-6) compete to become the dominant species in a prehistoric world. Get ready for a long session - games typically last 2-4 hours! This strategic beast throws a lot of mechanics at you: action queues, area majority battles, card drafting, and even tile placement on a hex grid that grows throughout the game. You'll choose a unique species with special powers, vie for control of territory, and adapt to changing environments. Be warned, there's some "take that" action involved so be ready to outmaneuver your opponents! If you're up for a challenging and rewarding game experience, Dominant Species is worth exploring.

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